The Benefits and Drawbacks of Drinking Water Before Bed

three water bottles laid on towels

Understanding Your Body’s Needs During Sleep

When you go to sleep, your body doesn’t just chill. It’s hard at work repairing cells, helping muscle growth, and keeping hormones like melatonin and cortisol in check. Hydrating is vital for these functions since it aids cellular activities, nutrient transportation, and waste removal. Which is why dehydration is a pretty big deal—it disrupts sleep quality, leaving you less refreshed in the morning. And nobody wants that. 

Even though you aren’t actively drinking water at night, your body still needs it to continue running in peak condition. Using an Owala FreeSip water bottle throughout the day can help you go to bed well-hydrated, reducing the risk of nighttime dehydration. Proper hydration can help maintain body temperature and keep mucous membranes moist, which is crucial for respiratory health and will contribute to you getting some major zzz’s.

Should You Drink Water Before Bed?

Many people wonder, "is drinking water before bed good?" It’s a great question, but the answer isn’t super straightforward since it depends on your unique needs. Chugging water before bed can quickly up your hydration, but let’s be real—nobody wants to run to the bathroom at 3 a.m., so it’s better to pace yourself throughout the day. 

Using our 40 oz Tumbler can help you track how much water you’re downing throughout the day so you don’t need to drink a bunch right before bedtime. You might want to cut off your fluid intake an hour before bed. This way, you can still reap the benefits of hydration without the downside of stumbling to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Benefits of Drinking Water Before Bed

It extends far beyond just quenching that thirst. Proper hydration before sleep enhances your heart and brain power, as well as make your skin glow. By ensuring you are well-hydrated before going to bed, you can improve your overall well-being and wake up feeling rejuvenated.


Hydration is the MVP of your health and drinking water before bed can help maintain hydration levels throughout the night. When you drink enough, your cardiovascular system is happy, your digestion is on point, and toxins are kicked to the curb. By using an Owala FreeSip water bottle during the day, you can maintain optimal hydration and improve your overall health.

Brain health

Heath professions suggest hydration is your brain’s best friend. It helps cognitive functions such as memory, concentration, and mood regulation. On the other side, dehydration leads to headaches, fatigue, and impaired cognitive abilities, which can affect your daily performance and overall well-being. If you want to stay sharp and ready to tackle whatever comes your way, drink up!

Skin health

Searching for that dewy glow? Drinking water before bed helps maintain skin elasticity and moisture, potentially reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Good hydration also boosts skin repair and regeneration processes that occur during sleep, helping you wake up with a healthier, more radiant complexion. Talk about the easiest skincare routine ever.

Weighing the Potential Drawbacks

While drinking water before bed can be a great way to quench your thirst, it’s not without its downsides. A big one? Nocturia, or frequent nighttime urination, which can disrupt sleep and leave you feeling like a zombie in the morning. To avoid this, it's recommended to stop drinking water about an hour before you hit the hay.

Another potential issue is overhydration, which can mess with your electrolytes and overwhelm your kidneys, making it tough for your body to maintain optimal fluid balance. Luckily, you can prevent this by distributing your water intake evenly throughout the day. Using a tool like an Owala 40 oz Tumbler can help track daily consumption, ensuring you enjoy water without overdoing it before sleep.

Frequent bathroom visits

One of the biggest drawbacks of drinking water before bed is the increased likelihood of nighttime urination, known as nocturia. Waking up multiple times to visit the toilet can totally disrupt your sleep cycle. The trick is to stop drinking about an hour before bedtime.

Overhydration concerns

Hydration is key, but overhydration? Not so much. Drinking excessive amounts of water before bed can throw your electrolytes out of whack and mess with your kidneys. Instead, balance your water throughout the day using tools like a 40 oz Tumbler to make sure you drink just enough (but not too much).

Tips to Stay Hydrated Without Disrupting Sleep

Staying hydrated throughout the day is an absolute must, especially if you want to be well rested. By planning out your day a little better, you can get all the water you need and get all of the benefits without any downsides.

Drink water in the morning.

Starting your day with a big glass of water can kickstart your metabolism and help you stay hydrated throughout the day. You’ll also be less likely to guzzle water before bedtime, keeping those bathroom trips to a minimum.

Stay hydrated all day.

Keep your Owala FreeSip water bottle handy for consistent hydration levels throughout the day. A healthy target is drinking a gallon of water a day. Regular sips throughout the day prevent dehydration so you won’t need to chug a gallon before bed.

Eat early dinners.

Late dinners are out, eating early is in. Doing this gives your body enough time to digest food and absorb nutrients before sleep. This also means you won’t need to drink water right before bed, since you’ll be eating and drinking earlier.

Exercise earlier in the day.

Let’s be real… you’re too tired to exercise late at night anyway. Workouts in the morning or afternoon mean you can still hydrate like crazy after your sweat sesh, but well before bedtime.

Maintain a moderate bedroom temperature.

Not too hot and not too cool. That “just right” temperature prevents excessive sweating and dehydration during sleep, keeping you more comfortable and less likely to wake up and need to drink more water.

Enhance sleep quality.

Master the art of good sleep hygiene by having a regular sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine. High-quality sleep reduces the risk of waking up due to dehydration.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime.

Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics that can increase urine production, leading to more frequent nighttime bathroom trips. Not only that, but caffeine can keep you too amped up to sleep.

Skip sugary drinks and foods later in the day.

Sugary drinks and foods can cause your blood sugar levels to rollercoaster. This leads to increased thirst and urination. Ditch the late-night sugar rush to keep your hydration—and sleep—on track.

Warm vs. Cold Water: Which is Better?

Ah, the classic debate. The temperature of the water you drink before bed can also affect your hydration and sleep quality. Drinking warm water before bed can be soothing and aid digestion, helping you relax and fall asleep more easily. However, some people may prefer drinking cold water before bed for its refreshing effect. Both options can be beneficial, depending on your personal preference and comfort. Which team are you?

When to Stop Drinking Water Before Bed

To avoid bathroom trips in the middle of the night, it’s important to know when to stop drinking water before bed. A general guideline is to limit fluid intake at least one to two hours before bedtime. Then your body has plenty of time to process and eliminate excess water. Don’t forget to use your Owala 40 oz Tumbler throughout the day to stay hydrated and minimize the need for late-night drinking.