Ever hit that point in your road trip where you’ve run out of things to talk about or you’re tired of listening to music? That's where these road trip questions come in handy. No matter where you’re headed or how long it takes to get there, these road trip conversation starters will spark some entertaining discussions, bring up forgotten memories, and build closer connections with your fellow travelers.
Travel and Adventure
If travel is your favorite topic (or anyone else’s in the car), this category will be breezy. And, of course, don’t forget to pack your Owala tumbler to stay hydrated throughout your adventures! From reminiscing about the good times on past road trips to dreaming up future trips, these fun road trip questions will fuel your wanderlust and inspire you to go on more epic adventures.
What is your favorite national park or forest?
What's the longest road trip you've taken?
Where's a place you'd like us all to go together someday?
Where did you go on your last road trip?
Which city in the world would you like to explore the most?
Where would you like to retire?
What’s the farthest place you’ve ever traveled in a car?
Would you rather climb a mountain or deep sea dive?
If you could take a month-long road trip, what would be your route?
Where is the most relaxing place you’ve ever been?
What’s something that is considered a luxury, but you don’t think you could live without?
What’s your goal for the next 12 months? How do you plan to reach it?
Family, Traditions, and Relationships
Dive into your family history, share laughs over inside jokes, and get closer to your car mates (and not just because you’re physically squished in a car with them) with these questions for car rides that focus on family and relationships.
What family vacations did you take as a child?
Who gets away with the most stuff?
Which family member is the funniest?
Who can you share your deepest secrets with?
What's a memory you have with your siblings?
How many more years will you work until retirement?
Do you play an instrument?
Who was your best friend growing up?
Do you know how many months we've been together?
Which family member is the smartest?
Do you remember the first house you lived in?
What is your earliest memory?
What is a family tradition you appreciate?
What will you remember about your grandparents?
Who's been your favorite pet?
What memory always brings a smile to your face?
Who are our closest friends?
What's something that gets on your nerves?
Who do you think looks up to you?
What is the one thing that would be a relationship breaker for you?
Who is the most athletic in the family?
What do you like most about your family?
What do you regret not doing or starting when you were younger?
What family vacations did you take as a child?
What is a family tradition you appreciate?
What do you like most about your family?
Who's been your favorite pet?
Do you have a favorite family tradition?
Who would you want at your table for trivia night?
What are some small things that make your day better?
What was the first thing you did when you got home from a trip?
Trivia Questions
Are you a trivia master? We’ll let these trivia questions be the judge of that. You’ll test your knowledge and learn facts about a wide range of topics—perfect for passing the time and challenging your fellow road trippers.
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Written primarily by Thomas Jefferson.
Can you name all the continents?
North America
South America
Can you name the three countries that start with the letter “J”?
Name three people who signed the Constitution.
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
Alexander Hamilton
What were the ancient seven wonders of the world?
The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
The Colossus of Rhodes
The Lighthouse of Alexandria
Name the five Great Lakes.
Lake Superior
Lake Michigan
Lake Huron
Lake Erie
Lake Ontario
List all four oceans.
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Southern Ocean
Name ten capitals from countries around the world.
Washington, D.C. (USA)
London (UK)
Paris (France)
Beijing (China)
Tokyo (Japan)
Moscow (Russia)
Berlin (Germany)
Rome (Italy)
New Delhi (India)
Brasília (Brazil)
Which states does U.S. Route 69 go through? Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California
Personal Reflection and Self-Discovery
As the miles roll by, it might just be the best time to look deep inside yourself. Explore your past, think about your future, and learn more about yourself and your other travelers with these questions for a road trip.
What's something you've always wanted to ask a family member?
What do you like about yourself?
Describe yourself using one word.
Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Has your heart ever been broken?
How would you like to be remembered?
What advice do you have for your 20-year-old self?
How is your life different than you thought it would be?
What is something that gets on your nerves?
Who's a significant person in your life you've lost?
Do you have a great disappointment in life?
How long have you gone without taking a bath/shower?
Do you have a favorite brand of clothing?
Do you have a favorite influencer?
Favorites and Preferences
Discover the quirks and preferences that make each person in your car unique with these fun car ride questions about favorite things, whether that’s music and movies or snacks and superpowers.
What songs are on your road trip playlist?
Which holiday is your favorite and why?
Do you have a favorite flower?
Do you have a favorite breakfast diner order?
What's your favorite location to go camping?
Do you have a favorite celebrity crush?
What is your favorite kind of doughnut?
What are your must-have snacks on a road trip?
What is your favorite movie quote?
What was your favorite TV show growing up?
What's your favorite event in the Winter Olympics?
Do you have a favorite video game?
What is your favorite part of travel?
What's something on your bucket list of things to do?
What is your favorite family tradition?
What was your high school mascot?
What was your college mascot?
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
What era would you like to live in?
What do you think will the be “throwback” style of the 00s?
Do you have a favorite flower?
Would you ever consider applying for The Bachelor/Bachelorette?
What is your favorite kind of cereal?
What do you typically eat for breakfast?
Which of your scars has the best story behind it?
Reflections on Past Experiences
Time for a quick throwback. Reminisce about the past and share stories from your life with these road trip questions designed to be nostalgic and bring up lots of laughs.
What is your earliest memory?
Do you remember the first house you lived in?
What memory always brings a smile to your face?
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in high school?
What was your worst date? Tell a play by play.
Have you ever had to go to the hospital?
What was the best toy of the 90s or 2000s?
What school project were you most proud of?
Dreams, Aspirations, and Regrets
From bucket-list items to career goals and those buried-down-deep regrets, these fun road trip questions will make you think about where you’ve been and where you still want to go.
What's something on your bucket list of things to do?
What was your first car?
If talent weren't an issue, which sport would you pursue professionally, and why?
What do you wish was taught in school that isn't?
What is your dream job?
What was your favorite subject in school?
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
What's a talent you wish you had?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
What's a goal you've set for yourself but haven't achieved yet?
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self?
What's a hobby you've always wanted to try?
If money weren't an issue, what would you do with your life?
What's one thing you regret not doing when you had the chance?
Do you have any unrealized career aspirations?
If you could change one decision you made in the past, what would it be?
What legacy do you hope to leave behind?
Fun and Entertainment
Keep the mood light with these car game questions about your favorite hobbies, entertainment, and most memorable experiences.
Name one of your Halloween Costumes.
What's a go-to karaoke song?
What was the best and worst piece of TRAVEL advice you’ve ever received?
What is the MUST SEE movie out right now?
Who is your favorite comedian?
What songs are on your road trip playlist?
What do you see out the window right now?
What memory always brings a smile to your face?
Who was your best friend growing up?
What shows are you currently into?
What was the first CD you ever owned?
What do you like most about your family?
More Questions!
Wrap up your road trip conversations with a flurry of fun car questions covering everything from food preferences to fears and favorite memories. Okay, go!
What word can you never remember how to spell?
How do you say croissant?
Do you like pineapple on pizza?
What do you like on your cheesecake?
What toppings do you put on your hamburger?
What toppings do you put on your hot dog?
Do you prefer warm weather or cold weather?
Do you have an irrational fear?
What is your go-to dance move?
What was the first national park you ever visited? If not, which one is on the top of your list to explore?
What has been your favorite photo you’ve taken?
What are your 3 favorite movies?
Who are the 3 greatest living musicians?
What is the best way a person can spend their time?
What is your spirit animal?
Have you ever tried essential oils?
What is the most illegal thing you’ve done?
Do you read the newspaper?
How would you describe your decor style?
What are three key elements in every successful relationship?
What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever slept?
What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?
Which exotic animal would you want as your pet?
What do you remember about our first date?
What language would you like to master?